C.S. Madasu, K.D. Rathod, C.C. Kwong, D. Wilkowski, Geometric Ramsey Interferometry with a Tripod Scheme, Phys. Rev. Applied 21, L051001 (2024). Letter. arXiv
C.-H. Feng, P. Robert, P. Bouyer, B. Canuel, J. Li, S. Das, C. C. Kwong, D. Wilkowski, M. Prevedelli, A. Bertoldi, High flux strontium atom source, Quantum Sci. Technol. 9, 02501 (2024). arXiv
T. Zanon-Willette, F. Impens, E. Arimondo, D. Wilkowski, A.V. Taichenachev, V.I. Yudin, Engineering quantum control with optical transitions induced by twisted light fields, Phys. Rev. A 108, 043513 (2023). arXiv
H. M. Rivy S. A. Aljunid, E. Lassalle, N. I. Zheludev, D. Wilkowski, Single atom in a superoscillatory optical trap, communications physics 6, 155 (2023).
D. Wilkowski, N. I. Zheludev, The rise of toroidal Electrodynamics and Spectroscopy, ACS Photonics 10, 556 (2023). Viewpoint
J. Li, K. Lim, S. Das, T. Zanon-Willette, C.-H. Feng, P. Robert, A. Bertoldi, P. Bouyer, C. C. Kwong, S.-Y. Lan, and D. Wilkowski, Bi-color atomic beam slower and magnetic field compensation for ultracold gases, AVS Quantum Science 4, 046801 (2022). arXiv
K. E. Ballantine, D. Wilkowski, J. Ruostekoski, Optical magnetism and wavefront control by arrays of strontium atoms, Phys. Rev. R 4, 033242 (2022). arXiv
I. Kuprov, D. Wilkowski, N. Zheludev, Toroidal optical transitions in hydrogen-like atoms, Sci. Adv.8, eabq6751 (2022) arXiv
C. S. Madasu, M. Hasan, K. D. Rathod, C. C. Kwong, D. Wilkowski, Datta-Das transistor for atomtronic circuits using artificial gauge fields, Phys. Rev. R 4, 033180 (2022). arXiv
M. Hasan, C. S. Madasu, K. D. Rathod, C. C. Kwong, D. Wilkowski, Evolution of an ultracold gas in a non-Abelian gauge fields: Finite temperature effect, Q. Elec 52, 532 (2022). arXiv
M. Hasan, C.S. Madasu, K.D. Rathod, C.C. Kwong, C. Miniatura, F.C., David Wilkowski, Wave-packet Dynamics in Synthetic Non-Abelian Gauge Fields, Phys. Rev. Lett., 129, 130402 (2022). Editor’s suggestion, featured in physics. arXiv
T. Zanon-Willette, D. Wilkowski, R. Lefevre, A. V. Taichenachev, V. I. Yudin, Generalized hyper-Ramsey-Bordé matter-wave interferometry: Quantum engineering of robust atomic sensors with composite pulses Phys. Rev. R, 4, 023222 (2022). arXiv
T. Zanon-Willette, D. Wilkowski, R. Lefevre, A. V. Taichenachev, V. I. Yudin, SU(2) hyper-clocks: Quantum engineering of spinor interferences for time and frequency metrology Phys. Rev. R, 4, 023117 (2022). arXiv
Chetan Sriram Madasu, Chang Chi Kwong, David Wilkowski, Kanhaiya Pandey, Homodyne detection of a two-photon resonance assisted by cooperative emission, Phys. Rev. A 105, 013713 (2022). arXiv
Chung Chuan Hsu, Remy Larue, Chang Chi Kwong, and David Wilkowski, Laser-induced thermal source for cold atoms, Scientific report 12, 868 (2022).
A. Laliotis, B. S. Lu, M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski, Atom-surface physics: A review, AVS Quantum Science 3, 043501 (2021). Editor’s pick. arXiv
L. Amigo et al, roadmap on atomtronics: state of the art and perspective, AVS Quantum Science 3, 039201 (2021) . Editor’s pick . arXiv
C. C. Kwong, T. Wellens, K. Pandey, D. Wilkowski, Resonant forward scattered field in high saturation regime: Elastic and inelastic contributions, Phys. Rev. A 102, 063722 (2020). arXiv
Vincent Mancois, Julien Barre, Chang Chi Kwong, Alain Olivetti, Pascal Viot, and David Wilkowski, Anisotropic long-range interaction investigated with cold atoms, Phys. Rev. A 102, 013311 (2020). arXiv
Eng Aik Chan, Giorgio Adamo, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Martial Ducloy, Nikolay Zheludev, David Wilkowski, Plasmono-Atomic Interactions on a Fiber Tip, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 183101 (2020). arXiv
Kai Sheng Lee, Zhao Zhuo, Christophe Couteau, David Wilkowski, Tomasz Paterek, An atomic test of higher-order interference, Phys. Rev. A 101, 183101 (2020). Editor’s Suggestion. arXiv
Emmanuel Lassalle, Philippe Lalanne, Syed Aljunid, Patrice Genevet, Brian Stout, Thomas Durt, David Wilkowski, Long-lifetime coherence in a quantum emitter induced by a metasurface, Phys. Rev. A 101, 013837 (2020). arXiv
G. M. Tino et al., SAGE: A Proposal for a Space Atomic Gravity Explorer, Eur. Phys. J. D 73, 228 (2019). arXiv
Chang Chi Kwong, Eng Aik Chan, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Rustem Shakhmuratov, and David Wilkowski, Large optical depth frequency modulation spectroscopy, Optics Express 27, 32323 (2019).
Eliran Talker, Pankaj Arora, Yefim Barash, David Wilkowski, and Uriel Levy, Efficient optical pumping of alkaline atoms for evanescent fields at dielectric-vapor interfaces, Optics Express 27, 33445 (2019).
Eng Aik Chan, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Giorgio Adamo, Nikolay I. Zheludev, Martial Ducloy, and David Wilkowski, Coupling of atomic quadrupole transitions with resonant surface plasmons, Phys. Rev. A 99, 063801 (2019). arXiv
A. A. Kirpichnikova, O. N. Prudnikov, and D Wilkowski, Investigation of the possibility of ultra-deep laser cooling using a quadrupole transition, Quantum Electronics 49 (5), 443 (2019).
Chang Chi Kwong, David Wilkowski, Dominique Delande, and Romain Pierrat, Coherent light propagation through dense cold atomic clouds, Phys. Rev. A 99, 043806 (2019). arXiv
Eng Aik Chan, Giorgio Adamo, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Athanasios Laliotis, Martial Ducloy, Nikolay Zheludev, David Wilkowski, Tuning the surface Casimir-Polder interaction, Optical, Opto-Atomic, and Entanglement-Enhanced Precision Metrology (conference proceeding) 10934, 109342X (2019).
F. Leroux, K. Pandey, R. Rebhi, F. Chevy, C. Miniatura, B. Gremaud, and D. Wilkowski, Non-Abelian and adiabatic geometric transformation in a cold atomic gas, Nature Communications 9, 3580 (2018). See general public publication in Pushing Frontiers (NTU)
Vincent Mancois, Bruno Marcos, Pascal Viot, and David Wilkowski, Two-temperature Brownian dynamics of a particle in a confining potential, Phys. Rev. E 97, 052121 (2018). arXiv
Eng Aik Chan, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Giorgio Adamo, Athanasios Laliotis, Martial Ducloy, and David Wilkowski, Tailoring optical metamaterials to tune the atom-surface Casimir-Polder interaction, Science Advances 4 (2), eaao4223 (2018). arXiv
2017 and earlier
B.A. van Tiggelen and D. Wilkowski, Photon Hall Scattering from Alkaline-earth-like atoms and Alkali-like ions, EPJ Special Topics 226, 1515 (2017).
S. A. Aljunid, E. Aik Chan, G. Adamo, M. Ducloy D. Wilkowski and N. I. Zheludev, Atomic Response in the Near-field of Nanostructured Plasmonic Metamaterial, NanoLetters 16, 3137 (2016). arXiv
K. Pandey, C.C. Kwong, M.S. Pramod and D. Wilkowski, Linear and nonlinear magneto-optical rotation on the narrow strontium intercombination line, Phys. Rev. A 93, 053428 (2016). arXiv
E. Aik Chan, S. A. Aljunid, N. I. Zheludev, D. Wilkowski and M. Ducloy, Doppler-free approach to optical pumping dynamics in the 6S1/2−5D5/2 electric quadrupole transition of Cesium vapor, Opt. Lett 41, 2005 (2016). arXiv
T. Yang, K. Pandey, M.S. Pramod, F. Leroux, C.C. Kwong, E. Hajiyev, Z.Y. Chia, B. Fang, D. Wilkowski, A high flux source of cold strontium atoms, Eur. Phys. J. D. 69, 226 (2015). arXiv
C. C. Kwong, T. Yang, D. Delande, R. Pierrat and D. Wilkowski, Cooperative emission of a pulse train in an optically thick scattering medium, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 223601 (2015). arXiv + supplemental_materials
C. C. Kwong, T. Yang, M. Pramod, K. Pandey, D. Delande, R. Pierrat and D. Wilkowski, Cooperative emission of a coherent superflash of light, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 223601 (2014). arXiv
Yu-Xin Hu, Christian Miniatura, David Wilkowski, Benoît Grémaud, U(3) artificial gauge fields for cold atoms, Phys. Rev. A 90, 023601 (2014). arXiv
M. S. Pramod, T. Yang, K. Pandey, M. Giudici, D. Wilkowski, Injection locking of a semiconductor laser to a multi-frequency reference beam, Eur. Phys. J. D. 68, 186 (2014) arXiv
J. Barre, B. Marcos, D. Wilkowski, Nonequilibrium Phase Transition with Gravitational-like Interaction in a Cloud of Cold Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 133001 (2014). arXiv
Kanhaiya Pandey, Role of different type of sub-systems in doubly driven Lambda-system in 87R, Phys. Rev. A 87,043838 (2013) . arXiv
G. Hetet, D. Wilkowski and T. Chaneliere, Quantum memory with a controlled homogeneous splitting, New J. Phys., 15, 045015 (2013). arXiv
M. Chalony, J. Barre, B. Marcos, A. Olivetti, D. Wilkowski, Long-range gravitational-like interaction in a neutral atomic cold gas, Phys. Rev. A 87, 013401 (2013). arXiv
M. Chalony, A. Kastberg, B. Klappauf, D. Wilkowski, Doppler cooling to the Quantum limit, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 243002 (2011). arXiv
M. Chalony, R. Pierrat, D. Delande, D. Wilkowski, Coherent flash of light emitted by a cold atomic cloud, Phys. Rev. A 84, 011401(R) (2011). arXiv
A. Ridinger, S. Chaudhuri, T. Salez, U. Eismann, D. Rio Fernandes, D. Wilkowski, F. Chevy, C. Salomon, Large atom number dual-species magneto-optical trap for fermionic 6Li and 40K atoms, Eur. Phys. J. D. 65, 223 (2011). arXiv
D. Wilkowski, Runaway evaporation for optically dressed atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 205306 (2010). arXiv