Ultracold Gases & Nanophotonics

Ultracold Gases & Nanophotonics






Hello! Welcome to our Group. We are a research group based in Nanyang Technological University. Our major research areas are on ultracold atomic gases, regrouping four major scientific axes:

  • Quantum simulation to address problems in condensed-matter physics and high energy physics in presence of non-Abelian gauge fields. We are also exploring gauge fields as a resource to create geometrical Qubits and new devices for matter-wave manipulations.
  • Quantum sensing to explore fundamental tests in physics such as equivalent principle with the strontium clock as a genuine quantum system. On a more applied side, we are investigating new accelerometers based on compact atomic interferometers.
  • Quantum processors. We are developing quantum processors with neutral atom arrays. We are targeting analog and digital units.
  • Nanophotonics systems to explore light-matter coupling in extreme regimes and create structured-light patterns for trapping and manipulating atoms at the nanometric scale.
Strontium atoms trapped in a 3D Magneto-Optical Trap on the 461nm line.


Our main research areas are outlined below:



Non-Abelian Zitterbewegung effect

Our work on atomic wave-packet dynamics was published and highlighted in Physical... Read More "Non-Abelian Zitterbewegung effect"

2D MOT of strontium

First evidence of cooling and trapping of Strontium atoms in 2D MOT... Read More "2D MOT of strontium"


Group Leader

David Wilkowski
E-mail: david.wilkowski[at]ntu.edu.sg
Tel office: +65 6513 7407
Tel labs: +65 6592 3650


The labs and offices are located in SPMS Building, 21 Nanyang Link, 637371, Singapore.
To reach us by public transports, take the 179 bus at Pioneer MRT station or the 179A bus at Boon Lay interchange station. On-campus, the bus stop is Hall7. SPMS building is 50m uphill.

Lab: PAP 01-25 (CQT)
Office: PAP 03-15